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Welcome to Snap 123

Does your food safety and quality plan meet all expectations of customers, auditors and regulators?

It's a significant responsibility for your business to establish & maintain these systems

Snap 123 has a range of services to support your compliance program including HACCP food safety plans, auditing, labelling, regulatory checks, training and general consulting for that next great idea


Food Safety Plans

Food safety plans are typically constructed of three main sections, pre requisite programs, hazard analysis including HACCP requirements and documentation. It is necessary to revise food safety plans annually or each time a process change occurs. Learn more...



Audits and inspections can be confronting if the site is unprepared, however a visit from the auditor can also be a very positive experience. Learn more...


Label & Regulatory Checks

Requirements for foods and labelling are complex. Checking labels involves knowledge of a range of legislations and standards, some of which are not easily accessed.  Learn more...



Whether yielded from a problem or an idea, Snap 123 can independently support and investigate regulatory, physical, chemical or biological hazards. Learn more...


Emergency Preparedness

Bushfires, floods, Covid, staff shortages and ingredients shortage have tested preparedness recently. Being prepared is the key. Learn more...



Have you undertaken food safety supervisor training but haven't developed your colleagues and staff? Would you like to learn more about food regulation? Learn more...

Like to know more?

Complete the below form and we will be in touch soon.


Snap 123
PO Box 231
Windsor NSW


Email: hello @ 
Phone: +61 (0) 435 120 687